Why modern dating sucks?

The youth exchange has gather 30 participants from Croatia, Portugal, Turkey, Romania
and Serbia from 22 February to 3 March 2022, travel days included. In this project
young people have explored the differences in sexuality of men and women, its root causes
(biology or culture) and what consequences can be drawn. It has empowered young people
to lead safe and healthy sexual lives.

The objectives of the project include:
1. Better understand human sexuality
Men and women are different in their sexuality, on average, and the participants will learn
biological and cultural explanations for these differences. They will also learn that science can
tells us a lot about male and female sexuality but science always speaks in averages. It never
implies that there are no women with more male pattern of sexuality or vice versa, or that being
a man with a more female-typical sexuality is wrong. Everyone’s sexuality is different.
2. Responding to challenges to modern dating and relationships
Aims and Objectives
Participants will critically evaluate modern changes to how people date and form families, including,
dating apps, polyamorous relationships and similar. They will think if these changes benefit more
women or men.
Participants will also learn about pros and cons to different types of families, especially with respect to
combining professional career and family.
3. Safe sex
The participants will learn about STDs and how to protect themselves. They will also learn about the
importance of consent in sexual interactions, but will also discuss the limitations to the concept of
consent. Participants will especially focus on how to prevent sexual assaults.