Support LGBTI Migrants!

 Support LGBTI Migrants! training course has gathered 32 participants from Croatia, Serbia, Lebanon, Italy, Malta, Ireland, Belgium, Lithuania and the UK. The training course lasted for seven days, while the project started on 4 January 2018 and lasted for six months.

The training course took place in Zagreb, in Chillout Hostel. Integration of refugees and migrants into European society is a difficult process. However, this process is even more difficult for LGBTI refugees and migrants. This group not only finds itself with difficulties adopting to the European cultures but at the same time they are ostracised by their migrant communities. As a result, many LGBTI refugees are too scared to come out even in LGBTI-friendly countries like the UK or Ireland. In a way, they are unable to get accepted by the European society and are rejected by their migrant societies. Homosexuality is illegal in 78 countries and many LGBTI people face persecution in their countries. However, even when they reach Europe they do not feel safe. This sense of fear contributes to them being isolated which leads to poverty and homelessness. This in turn makes them even less employable and isolated and the vicious circle continues. This is why we will examine these issues as a part of one problem.
In this training course we worked to develop quality improvements in youth work with LGBTI refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and to create a more inclusive society.

We focused on the following topics:
1. Obtaining asylum
2. Employability
3. Housing
4. Integration into LGBTI and migrant communities.