Make environment great again! 

In a new report published in September 2018, the world’s leading climate scientists made their starkest warning so far: our current actions are not enough for us to meet our target of 1.5C of warming. We need to do more. The US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement shows all the problems in multilateral agreements – there are always some free riders who want to enjoy healthier environment without contributing to the reduction of waste and pollution. But more importantly, the same problem of free riders is common on the individual level – so many people acknowledge climate change and bits threats but are not prepared to make changes in their life to limit their negative impact on the environment. The goal of this YE is to develop competencies among young people to lead by an example and to make their everyday life more friendly to the environment.

In this youth exchange participants were able to improve and develop:

a) Improve key environmental competences

b) Improve health

c) Develop understanding of moral environmental consequences of people’s eating and shopping habits